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5 team make waves for the children with deafblindness at Swimathon!

Swimathon Bucharest is an event very dear to us and this year we are participate for the third time! It is an event which brings together people, communities, companies, NGOs and many dreams, all on a common platform of online fundraising which make these dreams possible.

Our dream was linked every year to children with deafblindness that we work for, because they gave us the motivation to continue our work. If in the first year we managed to raise funds for the therapy of small children from the early intervention centres and in the second year for the materials needed by the young people with deafblindness from our vocational centres, in order to continue their work and learn the trade of the workshop, this year we intent to organize workshops of art therapy for children and young people with deafblindness from our school partners, in June, with the occasion of Helen Keller, and in December, with the occasion of 3th of December, the International Day of People with Disabilities.

We are glad that we managed to have near us this year 5 teams of swimmers fundraisers – 25 people determined to swim and raise funds for our cause.

At the link bellow you can find more information about our project that we are raising funds for, together with all 5 teams that you could support through a donation. The fundraising campaign is available by 31st of July 2018 and online donations can be done simply on the platform – https://2018.swimathonbucuresti.ro/sensart/

We are getting close to the event and preparing to #makewaves besides them, on 30th of June, at the Dinamo Swimming Pool, together with other 85 teams of people. We are glad to be part of a community so big of people who want to make a change in their community, through the projects they are supporting!