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Bianca and her story

Her name is Bianca and she is six years old and a half. She was born both with visual impairments (congenital cataracts) and hearing impairments (profound bilateral hearing impairment). Because of these severe communication problems, it was impossible for Bianca to develop at the kindergarten from a small village in Arges County, where her parents live. Bianca had no independent living skills, could not utter a word and didn’t know the sign language at all. This is why, at the age of 4, Bianca was brought by her mother to the Kindergarten for Children with Hearing Impairments.

Bianca is now in her third year at kindergarten. She quickly integrated in her class, she is loved by her classmates and by her educator and she feels great. In a small class, with only 4 children, Bianca Learns how to play, paint and dance. She learns how to use the sign language and verbalise, she can already utter a few simple words and she is very talented at puppet theatre. «Bianca is a very intuitive and inquisitive child. Sometimes she is a bit stubborn, but only because she likes to get involved in various activities and gets easily bored.» says Eliza, Bianca’s educator.

Directioneaza 20 % din profit

There are hundreds of children and young people with multisensory impairments in Bianca’s situation, annually benefiting from adequate services, provided for free by specialised teachers, trained in the field of deafblindness by Sense International (Romania).

By directing 20% of your profit tax to Sense International (Romania), you may contribute to the education of Bianca and other children like her. You will give children with deafblindness in Romania the CHANCE to receive intervention and education services tailored to their needs and the CHANCE to learn a trade.


The procedure does not imply any cost for the company and it is stipulated in Law no. 32/1994 regarding sponsorship and in Law no. 571/2003 regarding the Fiscal Code, with subsequent modifications and additions. For details and sponsorship contract, please go HERE.