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National Campaign around Online Safety

In December, we ran the awareness campaign Sensi – online safety for children with sensory impairments in 21 partner special schools. We sent these schools kits of puppets used throughout December in activities with children to increase awareness about online risks. 1406 children and 332 teachers took part and enjoyed these activities.

Campaign in Arad in București

Arad, School Center for Inclusive Education

Educational play and dramaterapy activities took place in class, where 78 children were thrilled by the stories and the characters, alongside 12 teachers. Children sang, told stories, communicated and dances in a very relaxed atmosphere.

Arad, Special Highschool Sfânta Maria*

50 students, together with 19 teachers, viewed the videos, discussed around them, each child becoming more aware of the risks that the internet bring and the ways in which they can protect themselves. They played with the puppets in role-plays, improvising situations and solutions. The puppets facilitated the communication, tought the children to pay more attention to those around them, to be tolerant, friendly, not to hurt and be mean, get involved when they see another child bullied.

Bucharest, Special Kindergarten for Children with Hearing Impairments

With Sensi’s help, 5 educators worked with 10 preschools children with sensory impairments and adapted the videos for their understanding. They drew a computer and divided the screen into two, on one half having a crying cloud representing the bad side of the internet (viruses, dangerous websites, situations that hurt vision and cause addiction) and on the other half a happy sun with the good side of internet (information, online games online communication). With help from Sensi and the puppets, children understood the good and bad sides of the internet.

Bucharest, Special School for Children with Visual Impairments

15 children with deafblindness, 80 children with sensory impairments and 18 teachers were involved in a series of activities organised in this campaign: play and dramatherapy workshops, puppeteering and story telling workshops where they were presented in an accessible manner risky situations in the online and everyday life, as well as means to overcome these, all with Sensi’s help.

Bucharest, Professional Special School for Children with Hearing Impairments Sfânta Maria

Training activities were organized around online safety, where 25 children with multisensory impairments and 4 teachers attended, all with the aim to increase awareness around online dangers, a warning regarding what children should know before venturing on the internet, how they should react in certain circumstances and where they should go for help when situations are beyond them.

Bucharest, Special Technological Highschool ”Regina Elisabeta”

A total of 25 children with multisensory impairments, 5 of them with deafblindness, together with 4 teachers, attended workshops where, with help from Sensi and the puppets, they were encouraged to take decision, manage their emotions, overcome fears and learn about values such as empathy, courage, love, collaboration and creativity.

  • Bucharest, Special technological Highschool no. 3

88 children with sensory impairments, supported by 8 teachers, took part in play and dramatherapy activities with the help of puppets that were brought to life in the hands of the children willing to express what they know and learn about online safety. Through roleplay and puppeteering, they used their creativity to present in most original ways the way in which they understand that online safety is essential, especially in the online education context.

Campaign in Buzău, Cluj Napoca, Craiova, Fălticeni and Focșani

Buzău, Special technological Highschool for Children with Hearing Impairments

A total of 17 classes – 81 children and 33 teachers – viewed the six videos, debated on the themes and created plays using the puppets, all to increase awareness about the challenges in the online environment.

Cluj Napoca, Special Highschool for Children with Visual Impairments

After viewing each episode, the 44 children and 16 teachers discussed about the correct ways in which dangerous situations can be delt with, enacting small plays where they applied what they learned and creating a poster on the topic.

Cluj Napoca, Special Technological Highschool for Children with Hearing Impairments*

After watching the Sensi videos, 3 teachers and 9 students with multisensory impairments created videos of their own suing the puppets received. With their hep, 7 educational videos were created with the aim to improve the understanding of certain life situation that anyone can encounter, with or without disabilities.

Craiova, School Center for Inclusive Education Sf Vasile

146 students, in dramatherapy and puppeteering, learned about online risks and means to protect themselves. With the help of 15 teachers and Sensi, they experienced risky situations and learned the best ways to react and reject the dangers. The project took place in the entire school, the plays were viewed by all and, using the puppets, each class created their own study. The campaign will continue in the second semester.

Fălticeni, Special Kindergarten

The 85 children were presented the project with the help of 23 educators, the videos were promoted and used in online activities, where the puppets came as a surprise when presenting situations of learning adapted to the age and level of understanding of pre-school children.

Focșani, School Center for Inclusive Education Elena Doamna

57 students and 6 teachers were involved in various information and awareness activities regarding online dangers: they created information materials in the vocational center, they watched the videos and had discussions around each of them and, in partnership with representatives of the County Police Department, School Safety Office, they learned how to protect themselves.

Campaign in Galați, Iași, Oradea, Sibiu, Târgu Frumos and Timișoara

Galați, Professional Special School Paul Popescu Neveanu, structure of Special School Emil Gârleanu

I take care of myself, I learn from Sensi how to use the internet safely – this is the name of the activity attended by 75 students and 13 teachers who, starting from the Sensi videos and using the puppets, created short plays and held activities to inform and increase awareness around the danger children with disabilities face online and possible solutions, the correct behaviours and attitude to guarantee online safety.

Iași, Special Technological Highschool Vasile Pavelcu

A series of activities took place, adapted to the age and the specifics of the children’s disabilities. Videos, images and presentations were made. Each video was followed by a debate showing the risks that children may face online, the emotions caused, the mistakes victims can make and what all of us can do to prevent dangerous situations. 80 children and 38 teachers attended.

Oradea, School Center for Inclusive Education Cristal

24 children with multisensory impairments together with 7 teachers had the opportunity to attend activities that presented desirable and undesirable behaviours, starting from the Sensi videos and using the puppets. Thus, behaviours were put in stage and children became aware of how it is OK to behave and how it is not ok.

Sibiu, School Center for Inclusive Education

Art-therapy, puppeteering workshops, workshops of expression via messages and colours, and a photo exhibition called I too am Sensi! are the activities attended by 114 children and 34 teachers in Sibiu, in order o increase awareness about online safety and getting to know and stimulate children’s artistic potential.

Târgu Frumos, Special Highschool for Children with Visual Impairments Moldova

A total of 42 children and 4 teachers attended activities that aimed at independently recognising dangers that may occur online (cyberbullying, emotional abuse, human trafficking, financial data theft, breaching the right to freedom, privacy and private life) or initiating healthy, adequate behaviours focusing on online safety.

Timișoara, School Center for Inclusive Education Constantin Pufan*

35 children with multisensory impairments and 8 teachers attended the Sensi campaign, watched videos and enacted role play and dramatherapy activities with the hlp of the puppets received.

Timișoara, Special Technological Highschool Gheorghe Atanasiu

50 students with sensory and associated impairments benefitted from an exemplary campaign organised by a team of 32 teachers. Each episode of the series had a dedicated activity, the themes were discussed in dept in meetings, debates, plays using the puppets. At the end, a questionnaire was applied to ask students for feedback regarding the activities.

Timișoara, Special Theoretical Highschool Iris

A total of 193 students, 189 with sensory impairments and 4 with multisensory impairments took part in the campaign activities: watching the Sensi videos, roleplay and dramatherapy, creation of a poster on this theme, webminar with parents on online safety.

Această activitate face parte din proiectul Sensi – siguranță online pentru copiii cu deficiențe senzoriale, proiect finanțat de Fundația Orange prin Programul „Lumea prin Culoare și Sunet”, ediția 2020. Proiectul s-a încheiat cu succes în 31 decembrie 2021.