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Training course in deafblindness for Arad, Iași and Timișoara

In 3-6 Sepember 2014, Timișoara hosted the training course in the field of deafblindness organised by Sense International (Romania) as part of the project Sense for life, funded by Orange Foundation and co-funded by Medicor Foundation.

This course was held for the teachers involved in the vocational project, a project which has the aim to professionally integrate young people with deafblindness.

Therefore, 16 special education and vocational teachers from Sfânta Maria Special Highschool Arad, School Centre for Inclusive Education Arad, Gheorghe Atanasiu Special Highschool Timișoara and Vasile Pavelcu Special Highschool Iași were trained in the field of deafblindness and multisensory impairments. Together with the two trainers – psychologist Gabriela Jianu and university lecturer Cristian Buică Belciu, PhD – they went through all the element necessary in working with people with both hearing and visual impairments: what is deafblindness, the implications of this defficiency in the development, the functional assessment, communication methods and the specific needs of people with deafblindness when it comes to orientation and mobility.

The course was also attended by national authorities, represented by Mrs. Liana Mitran, General Inspector for Special Education and Special Integrated Education within the Ministry of National Education, local authorities – Mrs. Diana Bumbăcilă, Inspector for Special Education within the Timiș County School Inspectorate as well as the management of schools involved in the project: : mrs. Florentina Cirin, mrs. Olimpia Piroș, mrs. Mărioara Gudiu și mr. Petru Lascău.

”The information presented at the course were very concise, very well structured and presented in a pleasant manner. The atmosphere at the course was nice, as well as dynamic and stimulative for us”, says one of the participants.