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By simply filling out the 230 form you support children and young people with deafblindness! You have the option to contribute up to 3.5% of the income tax. It's a gesture that costs you nothing, but it can make a difference in the life of children and young people with deafblindness.

Even more, you can check the Option box on distributing the amount for a period of 2 years, which means that the distribution of the amount representing up to 3.5% of the income tax can be claimed by application for the same beneficiaries for a period not exceeding 2 years and may be renewed after that period has expired.

The process is simple and involves the following:

- printing the form with the data of the Sense International Foundation Romania

- filling it with your ID data

- submitting it to the appropriate ANAF headquarters or sending it by registered letter up to May 25th 2023 with acknowledgement of receipt; or online, if you have a valid profile on the ANAF website.

We are here to provide you with all the necessary support. If you need additional information, please contact our collegue Cristina, at cbotezatu@senseint.org.ro.

Today you have the power to change the lives of people with deafblindness for the better!

With your help, more children and young people with deafblindness can get the support they need. We want to continue to be here for them, their parents and families, but also teachers, and for that we need your support

Redirect 3.5% of the income tax to the Sense International Romania Foundation and together we can do more good for more children and young people with deafblindness!

Together for the children and young people with deafblindness!

For 22 years we have dedicated our time to children and young people with deafblindness, to their families and teachers. By far, for us too, these past years have been the most difficult of all. We have surrounded ourselves with hope and we acted where it was needed, as much as resources allowed. We still have a lot more to do!

In brief, the year 2022 meant: over 1,000 children who participated in workshops and sensory activities, three orientation and mobility trips to the mountains with 38 students, 22 teachers and parents, monthly meetings with the group of young people with deafblindness and a camp at the seaside dedicated to them, The National Conference Education of children with deafblindness - Together again!, the second edition of The Initiation Course in Deafblindness.

Beyond these numbers are all the wonderful people we had by our side and the desire to build a society without barriers, which supports the most vulnerable among us. Thank you for supporting us and the children and young people with deafblindness!