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Voice of people with deafblindness
Sense International Romania will support people with deafblindness to have a voice, to be seen and heard, gaining the capacity to advocate for their social inclusion in Romania.

Online courses
With over 20 years experience in this field, Sense International Romania holds online courses in the field of deafblindness for special education teachers, psychologists, social workers, physiotherapiss, parents and students.

I too have a voice!
Children and young people with deafblindness from Romania know their rights under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and have a voice in demanding respect for these rights.

Digital technology is increasingly in the education system, but not for children with deafbliness. In order for them to have access to quality education, software is needed to be tailored to their specific needs.

www.sensabilitate.ro - the first site in Romania accessible for people with multisensory impairments, a key resource for people with deafblindness, parents and specialists.

Sensi - Online safety for children with sensory impairments is a project that aims to reduce the risks to which these children are exposed in the online environment, of physical, emotional, sexual, economic or financial abuse.

Early intervention
Early intervention is essential in the harmonious development of children with deafblindness and multisensory impairments. The earlier the steps, the higher the chances of recovery.

For quality education for the child with deafblindness, it requires teachers trained in this field and a good knowledge of the techniques of working with these children.

Vocational services
With school completion, young people with deafblindness and multisensory impairments need the chance of an independent living by finding a job.

Awareness and communication
For change to be lasting, it requires better awareness and knowledge of the rights and needs specific to people with deafblindness.