Today, February 2nd 2020, Sense International Romania celebrates 20 years of activity. We are proud that in these twenty years, the name of the Foundation Sense International Romania became, in our country, synonym with deafblindness.
For all those who wish to share their thoughts with us on this special day, we created a place where messages can be shared:
Looking back, we warmly think about the children with deafblindness, their families, the young people with deafblindness whom we have met, their teachers, the very special people that were by our side, the beautiful moments, the successes, but also the more difficult times we had to overcome.
It is truly a challenge to summarise two decades in only a few paragraphs. If we were to choose the key moments of our existence, one of them would be the moment when deafblindness was recognised as a distinct disability in the legislation.
Then, metaphorically traveling from the beginning to now – everything we have achieved for the education of children with deafblindness, from developing a curriculum for their education to equipping schools with specialised equipment, from training teachers in the field to developing digital solutions adapted to children with deafblindness. Then, another project close to our heart: everything that meant and still means the early intervention for babies born with sensory impairments, from developing and equipping early intervention support centres to training specialists in the field.
Our work alongside young people who were born with or acquired deafblindness started with the establishment of vocational centres where they learn a trade. We continued with activities aiming at developing their independent living skills, through orientation and mobility courses, leadership and advocacy, to demonstrate that they too have a voice and we, adults and specialists from decision making authorities, we must listen to their voice.
These were intense and fruitful 20 years, where we created and collected a wealth of specialised resources in the field, we offered teachers the opportunity to learn from each other through countless meetings, workshops and conferences, we created and maintained connection for the sake of those who need the support the most, children and young people with deafblindness and multisensory impairments.
One of the most touching times, full of hope, energy and enthusiasm, were the times when we had professor Vasile Adamescu with us. He was a true mentor, a guide who took us by the hands and guided us towards really understanding what it means to be without sight and hearing, a true, patient and calm friend, an accomplished promoter of the rights of people with deafblindness in Romania.
From the twenty years ahead of us, we wish to fully attain our vision, a world where all children and adults with deafblindness can become active and equal members of the society, a society that is inclusive and aware of the fact that we are all equal and have the same rights.