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Essay competition for the students at Babeș-Bolyai University

What would a day in my life look like, if I were a person with deafblinndess?

If you are a student at the Special Education Department within the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, Babeș Bolyai University Cluj Napoca, Sense International Romania invites you to take part to the essay competition "What would a day in my life look like, if I were a person with deafblindess?"

We invite you to imagine life with deafblindness, we challenge you to experience deafblindness, write down your thoughts, describe your personal experiences in this theme. We dedicate this competition to Professor Vasile Adamescu now, when we commemorate 3 years since we lost him.

Below, you can find some guiding resources, but the internet is full of inspiring stories about people with deafblindness:


  • Maximum 1 page essay, font Times New Roman, 12, space 1.5;
  • Based on personal experience and thoughts;
  • Sent by January 21, 2022, to contact@surdocecitate.ro;
  • The jury consists of Etelka Czondi, Director Sense International Romania; Ramona Antonie, Programmes Manager Sense International Romania; Viorel Micu, member on the Board of Directors Sense International Romania; Asist. Univ. Dr. Ioana Tufar, Special Education Department within the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, Babeș Bolyai University Cluj Napoca; Emina Socolescu, person with deafblindness, volunteer Sense International Romania.
  • Winners will be announced on Wednesday, February 2nd, 2022 on our website surdocecitate.ro


  • First PrizeVasile Adamescu Scholarship, to attend the Initiation Course in the Field of Deafblindness * organised by Sense International Romania 2022 + a pack of 3 books in the field of deafblindness **, T-shirt with the organisation logo;
  • Second PrizeVasile Adamescu's Autobiography Confronting Life, 3 volumes + a pack of 3 books in the field of deafblindness, T-shirt with the organisation logo;
  • Third Prizepack of 3 books in the field of deafblindness, T-shirt with the organisation logo.

* www.cursuri.surdocecitate.ro

* * Book offered:

The Child with Deafblindness - a Development Guide, J.M. McInnes și J.A.Trefrry

Teaching Children Who Are Deafblind, Stuart Aitken, Marianna Buultjens, Catherine Clark, Jane T. Eyre și Laura Pease

Tools to Assess Children with Multisensory Impairments, Robert D. Stillman