For over a decade, Sense International (Romania) has been organising, twice a year, the network meetings of teachers working with deafblind and multisensory impaired children.
Such a meeting has just taken place in Timisoara on Saturday, March 22nd. The theme was one of great importance and interest – parents and their essential role within the multidisciplinary team.
And because such a theme could not be approached in the absence of parents – key resources for specialists working with these children, we enjoyed the presence of two extraordinary parents who shared with the group their experience, happy moments as well as challenges they must deal with.
Local authorities from Timis County were represented by Diana Bumbăcilă, special education inspector, who shared with the participants the fact that Timișoara is unique in Romania through the fact that early intervention for newborn babies with sensory impairments is embedded in the education system. Cristiana Salomie, Director of SI(R), emphasized the importance of early intervention being embedded in the education system in all towns which have such Early Intervention Support Centres.
In addition to presentations held by specialists from Timișoara, Oradea and Iași, all of them focusing on parents and their involvement in the activities with the children, the meeting had special moments where participants asked questions, taking advantage of the presence of two remarkable specialists from Timișoara: Dr. Florina Stoica, ophthalmologist and Dr. Dorinela Zaboș, ENT specialist.
On Sunday, March 23rd, representatives of special schools from Oradea, Iași and Craiova visited the School Centre for Inclusive Education ”Constantin Pufan”, at the invitation of Laura Bălăngean, Director of the school. This centre provides specialised services of early intervention for 34 sensory impaired babies, as well as education services for 15 pupils.