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2% for children with deafblindness

His name is Alex and he is 5 years old. Alex was born with Down Syndrome. When he was six months old, his mother realised that, besides difficulties specific to the syndrome, Alex also had both visual and eharing impairments. Back then, when he began the early intervention programme within the Support centre for Early Intervention developed by Sense International (Romania) at the Kindergarten for Children with Hearing Impairments no. 65 in Bucharest, Alex did nothing but sit on the floor, under the table, had a poor balance and did not use any type of communication.

A team of early intervention specialists, special education teachers and physiotherapists worked extensively with Alex. Now, he is much more relaxed, more sociale and capable of communicating with people around him, although he is only at a early stage of sign language, using natural gestures and indices. Now, Alex is first grade, in the same school, in the same class with 3 more children with multiple sensory impairments.

Sense International (Romania) efforts along the years made it possible for these classes of maximum 4 children to be created in Romanian special schools, staffed by teachers trained in the field of deafblindness.

Please choose to direct 2% of your income tax for 2014 to Sense International (Romania). You will give children with deafblindness in Romania the CHANCE to receive intervention and education services tailored to their needs and the CHANCE to learn a trade. Details HERE.