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Two more vocational centres for young people with deafblindness

We have recently successfully launched two more vocational centres – two mini-typographies equipped and developed by Sense International (Romania) and local partners through the project Sense for Life, funded by Orange Foundation and MEDICOR Foundation.

In Arad, the typography was established in the Special Technological High School Sfanta Maria. The young students, together with children from the School Centre for Inclusive Education Arad will learn from teachers trained by SI(R) in the field of deafblindness the art of digital typography. Likewise, young people with deafblindness from the Special Technological High School Gheorghe Atanasiu Timisoara are also proud owners of such a digital typography.

Noi centre vocationale pentru tinerii cu surdocecitate Noi centre vocationale pentru tinerii cu surdocecitate

Part of a more ample project which plans to develop vocational services for young people with deafblindness in Romania, these two centres join other three existing ones: the mini-typography in the School for Children with Hearing Impairments ”Sfânta Maria” Bucharest, the Marzipan Molding Laboratory within the Special Vocational Special School “Vasile Pavelcu” Iași and the Little Gardener Greenhouse within in the Vocational Special School “Paul Popescu Neveanu” Galați.

Noi centre vocationale pentru tinerii cu surdocecitate Noi centre vocationale pentru tinerii cu surdocecitate

In the future, Sense International (Romania) wishes to extend the network of vocational centres to other towns in the country, so that young people with deafblindness in Romania stand a real chance for an independent living and for learning a relevant trade.