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Remember Helen Keller!

June – a month dedicated to people with deafblindness around the world!

“The best and most beautiful things in life cannot be seen, not even touched. They must be felt from the heart”. These words belong to Helen Keller, the best known person with deafblindness in the whole world. Every year, in June, the entire world celebrates the International Deafblind Awareness Week. In our country, Sense International (Romania) has organised various activities to mark this international celebration.

Take a look at how children and young people with deafblindness and multisensory impairments from the educational and vocational programme have celebrated the event!

Amintiți-vă de Helen Keller!

Take a look at how children with deafblindness and multisensory impairments from the early intervention programme have celebrated the event!

Copii cu deficiente senzoriale multiple

Take a look at the winning photographs of the SENSES photo competition!

About Helen Keller:

Helen KellerDespite the fact that she had lost both her sight and her hearing at the early age of 19 months, Helen Keller succeeded in becoming the first deafblind person graduating a university, in 1904. With a support of a very gifted teacher – Anne Sullivan – she learnt English, French, Greek, German and Latin using Braille.

Helen Keller wrote many books and articles and she fought for the rights of people with disabilities. She contributed to the opening of many hospitals and centres for blindness prevention all over the world.