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Training course in deafblindness

In November 2-5, Sense International Romania organised the fourth training course in the field of deafblindness, part of the vocational project Sense for Life, funded by Orange Foundation and Medicor Foundation. This course was attended by special education teachers from Bucharest, Craiova, Oradea, Iași and Timișoara who work with children and young people with deafblindness.

For 4 days, the participants have learned a lot about multisensory impairments, gaining both theoretical knowledge and practical skills in working with these children.

Curs de initiere in surdocecitateFrom the beginning of this project in 2012, 68 teachers have been trained in the field of deafblindness by our team of trainers formed by Lect. Univ. PhD Cristian Buică-Belciu from Bucharest University, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, Special Education Department and psychologist Gabriela Jianu, national trainer in deafblindness and coordinator of the Early Intervention Support Centre in Timisoara.

“This course contained a lot of useful information that we can now access wherever we need, but the practical part of the course gets the maximum score!” Aurelia Copăcian, School Centre for Inclusive Education CRISTAL, Oradea

“I consider that this course has been very useful for me, a lot of notions became clearer and I learnt where I can find the information I need. I found out what others think and we have exchanged experience!’’ Marcov Silvana, School Centre for Inclusive Education Constantin Pufan Timișoara